
Designed for accessibility

We have designed this site to be as accessible as possible for all users. You may wish to alter the way the website looks to help you access information. Step-by-step instructions are below. We have developed this site to be compliant with W3C Web Content Accessibility guidelines.

Changing the text sizes

You may want to change the text size in this website so the fonts display at a larger size. To change the font size please follow the instructions in your browser’s help.

Navigating this website

This site has been designed for ease of use. The main navigation includes all the main sections of the website and is always present at the header of each page. Clicking on any of these items will take you to a specific section of the website. This style of navigation is consistent throughout the site.

Images and alt tags

Images used on the site include ‘Alt’ tags descriptive text alternatives. This allows users to see what the image is meant to convey even if it doesn’t load, or if images have been switched off or if using a screen reader to read the web page rather than view.

Useful Links – The BBC’s website on accessibility has lots of information for getting the most out of your OS’s accessible features and also has information about useful 3rd party software.


We have gone to great lengths to ensure that this website offers a good experience to all users. If you have any suggestions for improvements or are having difficulty with any aspects of this site, please email us at