School performance & attendance
Physical & emotional wellbeing
Essential life skills
Well-rounded individuals
Team work
Good citizenship
Healthy lifestyles
I am proud to support the work of Ace Africa. We want to use the power of football to increase school attendance and improve the daily lives of 400 children. I would really appreciate your support.
André Villas-Boas
Marseille football manager and Ace Africa Patron
The Ace Africa-Future Stars Academy Football League is a 10-week league involving 19 teams from 24 underprivileged primary schools in the Arusha District and Moshi. The project aims to bring quality football training and the opportunity for sporting excellence to some of the poorest and most disadvantaged children in Tanzania.
When will the League occur?
The annual League is broken into 2 time periods in Arusha and Moshi in order to accommodate the school schedules and Tanzanian rainy season. The first leg of the League begins in July with its final game being played in mid-August. The second leg of the league starts in the last week of August, with the final event taking place at the end of October.
Which schools will participate in the League?
The Arusha league involves 10 teams from 12 underprivileged primary schools.
The Moshi league comprises 9 teams from 12 underprivileged primary schools.
A number of UK Schools have been fundraising throughout 2017 in support of the second Future Stars Football League in Arusha, having enabled the establishment of a pilot League in 2014.
How were the schools chosen?
Ace Africa, the main league sponsor, chose the participating schools, in consultation with *The Future Stars Academy”, based on multiple criteria and factors. The main factor was that the primary school must have an established Ace Africa Child-to-Child Club, of which Ace has 40 such clubs in the Arusha area with 15 in Moshi. An additional important factor was the logistical challenge in reaching the school, especially in rainy conditions. While Ace Africa would, of course, love to include more schools in the league, financial constraints are limiting the 2016 league to 10 teams. However, this is a substantial increase over the 6 schools participating in the first league in 2014.
*Future Stars Academy (FSA) The Future Stars Soccer Tanzania, most commonly known as Future Stars Academy (FSA), is a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to kick a ball and build the future. The Future Stars Academy is based in Arusha, Tanzania. FSA builds the resilience, responsibility and leadership potential of children, by offering them a chance to live their dreams as footballers, and insisting that there is no football without school. FSA does more than provide football training and competition. It gives children hope. FSA builds their skills and forms the citizens of tomorrow.