Last Wednesday evening Ace Africa hosted a talk for 45 ladies and a handful of gentlemen on ‘The Joy of Giving’, held at the prestigious private women’s club, Grace Belgravia. A champagne reception (enhanced by an immune boosting green juice!) was followed on by two inspirational talks by Rainmaker Foundation Founder Mike Dickson and Ace Africa Patron Liz Earle MBE.
Mike Dickson shared an extremely thought provoking and motivational talk, touching upon why we choose to give, why it is good for you, your family and your society.
Followed on by Liz who discussed her most recent stories fresh from the field. This provided a brilliant insight into the programmes that Ace carry out in rural Tanzania and Kenya managing to capture perfectly our work.
Ace Africa founder Joanna Waddington wrapped up the evening’s talks with a poignant and touching reflection on her last 11 years living and breathing the programmes in rural East Africa. It brought a tear to many of the audience’s eye.
The evening concluded with an exciting raffle and a superb dinner served by the Grace Belgravia team, with Phil Howard kindly donating the most exquisite apricot pudding.
We would like to say a huge thank you to both Phil Howard and Neill Strain for their most invaluable support on the evening. Ace would also like to thank all the individuals and companies who so generously contributed towards our spectacular raffle prizes.
To all of our wonderful guests that attended this special evening, thank you.