Florence is a widow and mother of three living in Nzoia Village, Kenya. After losing her husband to HIV related illnesses, Florence found herself struggling to support her family. Her health had become a concern over recent months as she was frequently falling ill, which in turn further hindered her earning potential. After a check up organised by Ace at the Lugulu Mission Hospital, Florence was diagnosed as HIV+ and provided with counselling and medication. Unfortunately, the difficulty of living with HIV whilst supporting her children meant that Florence frequently failed to take her ARV drugs thus making her more prone to sickness.
Ace Intervention
After a visit from an Ace community health volunteer, arrangements were made to ensure that Florence was receiving the required medical attention. Members of Lurare support groups contributed funds to transport a now bed-ridden Florence to the hospital. She was treated in Webuye District Hospital for a period of 2 weeks. The treatment costs totalled Ksh. 28,000 and were fully covered by the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) through support from Ace alongside partners APHIA+. During this 2-week period, Florence’s mother-in-law cared for the three children whilst the area gardener and Lurare support group provided them with food aid from the Ace Africa Demo Garden and model farms.
Since her time in hospital, Florence has received follow up treatment in the form of nutritional supplements and will continue to be monitored by Ace community health volunteers to encourage the continued use of the ARV drugs. The Area gardener will also provide assistance to help Florence grow crops on her land both for personal consumption and, potentially, for sale. Additionally, the Rakikha OVC Support Group paid exam fees for her two eldest children who are in years 1 and 4. During a home visit, Florence expressed her relief regarding the outcome: “I’m very grateful, I cannot believe I am alive and managed to come out of the Hospital. I thank those who ensured I am enrolled in the NHIF medical cover, I could not have managed this.”