On Thursday 20th March, Ace Africa were welcomed into Oldfield Primary School in Greenford with the Dwyers to give an assembly to the children on The Rosie Dwyer Fund supporting Southend Academy in Bungoma, and the wider work of Ace Africa in rural Kenya and Tanzania.
It was a privilege to be invited to the school, and see the children all so engaged with the work of Ace Africa. As well as taking part in a Swahili song and dance, the year 4 students also participated in making a recycled African football for their home-work. It was a very tough competition to judge for the Ace Africa team and we were all so impressed with their efforts.
At the end of the assembly, several of the students presented Rachel and John Dwyer and the Ace team with a cheque for £200 which the year 4 students had raised through games organised and run by them.
It is great to hear that the students from Oldfield Primary will be starting communication with students at Southend Academy, through writing letters as pen pals.
We are hugely grateful for the support of Oldfield Primary and look forward to updating you about their next fundraising endeavour, which involves a staff breakfast next term.
For any more information on how schools can get involved and support Ace Africa please contact Olivia Jarman in the Ace office Olivia.jarman@ace-africa.org or phone 020 7933 2997.